How to attract women
Men who make women feel like REAL WOMEN (inside and out) are the most attractive to women. So, if you know the way to make your woman feel like that , it means you have the key to your personal happiness in your pocket.
First of all in Europe women still wait for men to be initiative. Be brave and make the first move. Society has programmed it this way. Women feel awkard to approach a man. She may like you but she will never approach you. So guy,take the first move, it is only man like to do so. Do not fear rejection. Remember when you approach a woman, there are only two probabilities; acceptance or rejection. Every woman wants to feel "special" - one in a million. They need someone to be strong for them. It makes her feel protected. She wants to feel that she is in safe hands - physically and emotionally secure. Women want men who can step up and take care of the situation.
Make her feel smart and funny and easy on the eyes. This includes appreciating her physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attributes. It does not include you trying to impose your views of feminine beauty on her body, emotions or thought process.
Also have important values in life. Show her you are human and also show her you are intelligent. Women love intelligent men.
Don't try to act like anyone else. Remember you are at your best when you are yourself. And,if a woman loves you truly, she will love you for who you are.
May your wishes come true!