Importance of profile pictures
Portrait Photo
Your portrait photo is the first one people see in search results, general lists and on your profile page. This is the only photo visible to people who do not click through to your profile, so choose your best photo for your portrait. It should be a clear, vertical headshot in which you are looking directly into the camera and smiling.
It might be worth to have at least some of your photos professionally made. Don’t miss out on meeting more people just because your photo is mediocre. Your photos must be clear, recent and of high quality. If you do not hire a professional, ask a friend to take your photo instead of using a mirror and use a digital camera rather than a mobile phone, Webcam or scanner.
Profile Photos
Here are some suggestions for choosing your profile photos:
Use recent photos – members will want to see you as you will look on your first date.
No dark, blurry, out of focus or grainy photos.
People are more likely to respond to photos in which you are standing or sitting upright and smiling in front of a nice landscape or background.
Photos in bathing suits, pajamas or unflattering outfits rarely attract interest. We recommend you dress for your photo as you would for your first date.
You may want to upload some photos of you with family members, friends and pets, but be sure to post at least one photo of you alone. Do not include a photo with someone of the opposite sex unless you explain who the person is.
Mind the image: photos of you out drinking with friends could give an impression that partying is a big part of your life.
A photo of you doing something you love or visiting an interesting place is a great conversation starter and helps attract other people who have the same interest. For example, if you’re the outdoors type, a photo of you on a hike will help attract a like-minded person.
Avoid awkwardly cropped photos.
The more photos, the better – different shots and angles. Mix it up – headshot, from the torso up and full body. And remember – always be smiling!
Photos are a key way to make your profile stand out. And interesting profiles with multiple photos generate more responses.
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Good luck in your search!