The Woman Men Adore
Georgiana http://www.new-dating.com
The Woman Men Adore And Never Want to Leave
Why Do Most Women Struggle in Their Relationships with Men?
There are many reasons why women have relationship trouble, but the main reason is that women don't understand men.
Will Giving a Man What He Wants Get You What You Want?
Here's the hidden key to a loving relationship. Men want to be enraptured by a woman. They may not admit it openly, but they want to be lured, finessed, bewitched, possessed and seduced by a woman -- and they don't mind surrendering to her siren maneuverings and be rendered powerless by her. A man would gladly give anything to the woman who can make him feel good.
Seduction is 99% Mental Sorcery
While a woman's sexual skills and good cooking are always appreciated by men, seduction is 99% mental sorcery.
Take a look at what the books will teach you:
The main reason why men choose to get married (or stay married) to a particular woman.
How to speak in a way that hypnotizes a man into feeling safe so that he'll allow you to influence him with no resistance.
How to be yourself and still be loved by a man –to be imperfect and be loved in spite of it
How to make a man do what you want him to do – and make him think it was his idea!
How to influence or shape your man's opinion -- even if he doesn't see the need to change.
Discover the secret to making a man feel understood by you.
How to use your femininity to disarm a man, break down his defenses -- and turn him into a caring and sensitive man you've always wanted.
How to master the art of perfect timing to get what you want in a relationship.
Why you should not compete with your man -- and when to allow your man to be your superior. Even when you're capable of being his equal, trying to be his equal in certain areas will drive him away, and won't lead to the intimacy you crave
How to use your innate feminine power to make a man powerless to resist you.
The things a woman does that makes a man shut down and feel alienated from her.
How to make a man feel cherished by you, and as a result, he will want to spend more time with you and want to be around you more.
Why some women drive away good men or continually pick losers
How to be strong by being vulnerable - Women who know how to use vulnerability as a relationship device are always astonished by the impact they make on a man.
Why Men Don't Listen
How not to let your past hurts sabotage your chance of having successful relationships.
Georgiana http://www.new-dating.com