Gift Ideas
Chris Rovny http://www.new-dating.com/search.php
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Finding the right Valentine's Day gift is probably the most difficult shopping experience in any man's life. It isn't like buying a birthday gift -- choosing a gift for this special occasion won't just show your affection toward her, but your degree of commitment as well.
The nature of the gift can reflect how much you care, or don't care, about her. The meaning of your gift also varies according to the seriousness and the type of relationship you're in. Here are a few basic gift ideas, depending on your particular relationship level.
casual date
You've gone out with her a few times, the level of commitment is low, and you're simply having a lot of fun. What do you buy her? This situation is the trickiest of them all because the wrong gift can take the relationship from casual dating to a full-fledged commitment.
Buying her the usual card and flowers is acceptable for this early stage in a relationship, or when your involvement is relatively weak.
On the other hand, if the relationship is strong and its future seems bright, opt for a more original present. For example, a sexy blouse or any form of eveningwear is classy enough to show her that you put some effort into selecting her gift.
Women generally appreciate that you spent some time selecting a gift. So it's a good idea to listen to what she says, pick up on a hint she may mention in passing, and then surprise her with it.
occasional romance
Every man, at one point in his life, will hook up with a woman simply for sex -- and amazing sex at that. This type of relationship is particularly exciting when Valentine's Day comes around, and selecting her gift can be amusing in itself. Choosing the right gift will hopefully guide the intensity of the evening and make it a night to remember.
Most of the time, guys will opt to buy her sexy lingerie. Purchasing lingerie is a little clich, but it's generally well-received by women. Another fashionable gift is a sexy dress she can wear for the Valentine's Day dinner. Keep it sexual by insisting that she leave her underwear at home.
However, instead of buying her these conventional gifts, a suggestion would be to get her a basket of sex toys. If you want to go all the way (in more ways than one), then rent a nice room and try to incorporate all these gifts into your evening.
married man
The married man will probably run out of original gift ideas sooner or later. He doesn't necessarily need to show commitment with his gifts, but he needs to set the mood for the upcoming passionate evening. In this situation, buy her an unconventional set of silk sheets, which can be purchased at any high-end department store. This gift will likely be expensive (which most women appreciate ) and surely has a sexual connotation (which most men love ).
The more conventional alternative for a married man is getting his wife some jewelry. This gift idea will please any woman, married or not...
Remember; these are only suggestions and none of these gifts represent the perfect choice. Each man knows what his woman enjoys, so my advice is to think about what she appreciates the most and use that as a guide.
Good luck and have a great Valentine's Day.
Chris Rovny http://www.new-dating.com/search.php